Hello, friends! Welcome to the first big patch of Sun Haven.
For the record, we’ve had quite a few micropatches. If you want to keep up with every patch that goes out, then be sure to join our Discord (here’s a link for you) since we post every patch there. However, for the foreseeable future this platform will only host major patch updates.
So without further ado!
7/9/21 Patch Notes:
Added in Confronting Dynus Withergate quest line (up to part 4)
Added access to withergate forests and withergate castle
Improved performance of withergate maps
Time no longer passes during cutscenes in single player
Added second path cycle to most NPCs
Added a handful of sound effects
Large balance tuning to all professions
Added more items to sale stands
Balanced all quests
Increased spawn rate of chests in mines
Fixed day 28 pass out bug
Fixed some layering issues on player farm
Fixed some issues causing enemies to not despawn in multiplayer
Fixed some black screen bugs caused by 32 bit version of game
Fixed some crops resetting stages overnight (lettuce/withergate crops)
Fixed several inventory/chest bugs
Fixed major bug in multiplayer that could desync deleting decorations (or possibly delete houses)
Fixed a lot of NPC dialogue and hangouts not working
Fixed lots of small quest defects
Fixed some issues with corrupt save files
Fixed many map dects and colliders that could cause you to get stuck
Fixed several skill nodes not working as intended
Fixed several NPC walk paths not working
Fixed lots of minor bugs
Optimize performance of player farm and Sun Haven map
Continue to work on multiplayer desync bugs
Add in content for withergate/nelvari (npcs, quests, main quest line, maps)
Thanks for checking in on this patch! If you are looking at this list and thinking “They didn’t address this problem that I’ve noticed lately,” then it’s likely because we haven’t heard about that problem yet, or we’re getting to it in an upcoming patch. Either way, I’d encourage you to join our Discord and voice your thoughts on our suggestions-and-questions channel.
Our thoughtful fans have been going the extra mile to keep us updated on bugs and defects, and we would love it if you joined them in that effort!
Thanks again to everyone helping make Sun Haven a success. It only gets better from here!
Until next time, folks!
- Michael, Sun Haven Writer
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Discord: https://discord.gg/rqWx6uxmzP
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